Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What or Where?

What would you like to see The Captain do, or where would you like to see The Captain go?

(he's looking for some ideas)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Captain in Charleston and Atlanta

In one of his very last tours with the Notre Dame Glee Club, The Captain got to experience some of America's finest southern hospitality. The trip down South for The Captain was spent whiling away the hours, dreaming of Mrs. The Captains and days gone by.

While in Atlanta, The Captain was briefly held hostage by a soon-to-be sailor by the name of Derek. It was touch and go for a while, but it all worked out alright in the end. Thank the heavens.

Also in Atlanta, The Captain can be seen posing with Garrett and Derek. Notice that Garrett always has his eyes closed in any picture taken of him. The Captain definitely thinks that's weird.

Finally, in Charleston, The Captain went to a wonderful bar with the NDGC and lamented the fact that he only had a limited time left with that esteemed group. Alas! How time does slip away.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Captain's ND Gamewatch at...ND

After a long and arduous journey back to America, The Captain once more took up residence at Notre Dame. There was much rejoicing and merriment on the campus by the students, priests, professors, and squirrels. Actually, if you want to know the truth, everyone was so happy that the University decided to give everyone a week-long holiday right in the middle of the semester. They drank so much that they fell down, or went home. Oftentimes, as a result of these falls (or of going home), these students and friends of Notre Dame would break something. It was forever after named "Fall Break."

Shortly after this "Fall Break," the Notre Dame football team decided to further celebrate The Captain's return to the continent by holding "games," much like the Greek and Romans did when they wanted to celebrate something. The rules were a little unclear (and often still are), but The Captain was nonetheless impressed. He and I decided to view one of these "games" with some friends at the on-campus bar, Legends, and great fun was had by all. At one point, The Captain had actually drunk his height in Corona three times over. Amazing. Whenever the Notre Dame team would scoring, The Captain would do push-ups in the air, mirroring the tradition of the Notre Dame student body. Oh, the number of push-ups he did on that fateful day! After the game, which, backed by the encouragement of The Captain, Notre Dame won handily, the coach called The Captain to congratulate him once again on his great return from Australia. You should have been there--The Captain played it so cool. Nothing phases him. Sometimes I have dreams where I'm The Captain and he's me and I get all the chicks and admirers and free stuff and The Captain blogs about me and tries not to cry himself to sleep. But I always wake up.