Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Captain's New Year's Eve

I'm gonna take a break from telling the story of The Captain's past to give a glimpse at his present. Last night, The Captain had a rockin' New Year's at a party sponsored in part by Tara, and he had an awesome time!

The party was in Bucktown (in Chicago, for those who don't know), and it was at a sweet-ass apartment (that I'm very jealous of, actually; if something like that existed in Naperville, I'd sweep it up in a second). There were many famous people there, such as the aforementioned Tara, the illustrious Dana, and the ugly pug known as Stella.

At one point, it got so crazy that The Captain was actually blindfolded (and I don't have to tell you want happened from there...

Afterwards, the party shifed to Tara's place, and Tara was thoroughly entertained by The Captain--he kept telling her that she was a HOT MESS, and she kept laughing. It actually got annoying after awhile.

So there you have it, folks, a glimpse into The Captain's present, wild-and-crazy life in Illinois.


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